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我公司生产汽车仪表用指针式的电子钟、汽车仪表带电机计数器、汽车仪表里程传感器、步进电机等我公司热忱希望与各公司客户联系、洽谈、合作建立配套关系!I Instrument Company production of automotive electronic pointer with FAW Hongta 10 minutes, 152 E e-pointer 10 minutes, 228 e-pointer 10 minutes, with motor vehicle instrument counters, auto instrument SL283 counter, automobile instrument ZB125D counters, and various car dashboard Odometer counter use, vehicle mileage instrument sensors, automobile instrument, such as stepper motor. I gifted price of the company, high quality, excellent service, enthusiasm and hope that the companies customer contact, negotiation, cooperation, supporting the establishment of relations我公司生产和开发齿轮系计时器步进电机,蜗轮、蜗杆等I gear company production and development of the stepper motor and timer worm, worm, etc. [详细介绍]
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